It was the last group session today, and we were asked to write something positive about everyone in attendance. These are the compliments I received:
-Open and insightful
-Willing to let yourself be vulnerable infront of others - This shows strength.
-Strong character, good leadership qualities.
-Concerned about others and a sense of fairness.
I love how you openly speak more mind and don't really seem intimidated by what people think!
I like your funnyness =)
Hey you! You are so awesome! We have had fun haven't we? I just want to let you know I'm always here for you. We'll have tons more fun times together, I'll make sure of it. Lol. I'm here whenever your sad or upset, or if you want someone to listen. I hope things go well for you.
Love ya lots,
PS I like how your maturity, strong will, loving and understand. Goodluck.
I love how you are so expressive and how yo care about everyone here.
Your sooo awsome.
I saved you for last. Not because you are my least favourite, but because you just might be my favourite.I don't know why, but I'm like that. I tend to be drawn to people and things that I don't understand, the unknown. I knew that if I paid close enough attention, I would catch those times when your wall broke down and I'd see you for what you are. Amazingly interesting. I want to say so much more about you, but I don't think I can. I don't why but I do know that you open my eyes to different things. Talking and discussing with you is like finding that one person who gets you and could teach me more. I hope that I see you again. No, I hope I see that smile of yours that is like a window through your wall. I hope so much for you. I hope you know that.
Love ya, Aisha.